Speed Profiles

Speed Profiles allow you to to control how much bandwidth is used by LeechGet and to specify a maximum number of simultaneous downloads with a single click! You can activate Speed Profiles via the menu "Extras" and then "Download Profiles" in the LeechGet main window.

Here is how to create a new Profile:

Open the Options dialog and click on the "Speed Profiles" Tab at the very bottom.

Click on "New Profile" and enter a name for the Profile on the right. Then, specify the number of maximum simultaneous downloads and the maximum bandwidth usage. You can select the color of the icon that will be displayed in the Download Profile menu later as well. Clicking on "Save" creates the new Speed Profile.

To activate a Profile, simply select the download profile via the "Download Profiles" entry in the "Extras" menu. To unselect a Profile, click on "No Profile active".

[Select a Profile]

The "Sleep" button has to be deactivated in order to use Download Profiles!

When a Download Profile is selected, LeechGet automatically adjusts the number of active downloads and the maximum bandwidth usage to the given values so that the downloads never use more bandwidth than specified.

You can as well activate a Download Profile by clicking on the corresponding icon in the status bar of the LeechGet main window.